Meet Our Board
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Coming Soon
Board President
Coming Soon

Larry Hill
Past President
In 2009, I was part of Student First of Washington, where I became one of the first Student First presidents. During my time as president, I took my very first trip to Olympia Washington to talk to legislators for Advocacy Days. While there, I spoke in front of 1,000 people with disabilities to learn about what kinds of changes they wanted to see from their legislators.
During subsequent years, I have attended disability conferences and have learned more about what the disability world is all about. And I met new friends from all over the world! I have also attended community summits in Wenatchee.
Throughout this journey, I became the People First official DJ and photographer, and then for four years, I was the Historian. In 2021, I was asked to step in to the president’s role, and served there through the fall of 2024. Serving as president was an amazing journey and adventure—taking part in the transitions necessary for people with disabilities to navigate changes in the world, especially during the pandemic. This taught me patience, taught me to be calm, and made me more about other people. Most importantly, I learned about the power of commitment. I learned what it felt like to be in charge, to take on responsibilities and have other people look to me for leadership.
Now it’s 2024, and as Past President, I ask myself where we will all go from here. Wherever our path may lead us, I will continue the journey with People First and help in whatever ways I am able. And as always, I will do this one day at a time!
And last but not least, let’s keep our heads high while we prepare to move along our road to our next convention.

Cody Wells
Vice President
I’m Cody, and I joined People First back in high school in 1995. I was elected President in Cowlitz County a year later, and then in 2005 I went to my very first People First of Washington Convention. I stepped up as Vice President for the Lewis County Chapter from 2015 to 2016, and was re-elected again in 2019. I was also serving as Vice President of the Board of Directors from 2018 to 2021. I lived on my own from 2000 until 2022, when I got married.
My goal is to shut all the institutions. I would also like to see more chapters being created around our state, and to see more restaurants and sidewalks wheelchair accessible. People First is and always will be a part of my family.
You can email me at:

Jeanette Merkey
Hi, I’m Jeanette. I grew up in Everett but also lived in Snohomish for a while, attending their school system from 2nd to 12th grade. My interest in self-advocacy started back close to 2008 when I became involved with the ARC of Snohomish. There I joined the women’s self-advocacy group that was designed for helping women with disabilities develop skills such stress management, making friends and learning to speak up as a self-advocate.
I was inspired to join People First back in 2015 or so, by Corinna Lang and Bill Fale. I believe the first convention I went to was right around then. We were able to get the Snohomish chapter established in 2017 and over the years, I’ve served the chapter as president, vice-president and secretary.
In addition to being involved with People First, I volunteer at the Carl Gipson Community Center helping tidy up after the Goal Program lunches. The Goal Program is run by the Everett school district for 18-21 year-old young people with disabilities who are transitioning into life on their own.
I live on my own with my dog who I’ve had since 2020. I enjoy thrift-store shopping, and being involved with my church’s outings and activities.
My goal as a self-advocate is to educate the broader community about issues that people with disabilities face. I look forward to serving on the board as secretary.
You can email me at:

Timothy Johnston
I’m Timmy, and I joined the Pierce County chapter of PF in 2017, right after Lizzie. In fact, Lizzie is the reason I got involved. Before that I’d only been on the sidelines. She and I have been together since 2010, and officially got married in 2023. Our daughter was born in 2015. We also have a cat, Donnie Darko and a dog, but Donnie Darko rules the house.
I am a native of Pierce County and have always enjoyed working with numbers. I work for another chapter member doing her billing and corralling her numbers for her business. I like working on computers, playing video games, and pretty much anything to do with electronics. I appreciate the chance that I’ve been given to serve as your treasurer.
You can email me

Elizabeth "Lizzy" Johnston
Hi everyone! I'm Elizabeth Johnston. I go by Lizzy and my pronouns are she/they. I am a self-advocate and a parent advocate. I am married to Timmy—your new treasurer—and together we have a 9-year-old daughter. I encourage members to tell their stories and to talk to legislators. In 2023, I was appointed Secretary of the state board, and now I am your newly-elected state board historian. I am also serving as Pierce County president. Thank you everyone. I am so happy!
You can reach me at:

Kieran Chojnowski
Region 1 Representative

Hi, my name is Kieran. I am now the Region 1 representative after serving as the first-ever elected Student First rep who served on the People First of Washington State board. I heard of People First through my school and I was inspired to join my local People First chapter in Spokane. Now I am representing my region.
I am a community leader and I am here to make sure your voice is heard. If you wish to contact me,
please email me at

Julia Lynch
Region 2 Representative

I became involved with the disability community during the 20 years I lived in Eugene, Oregon. The group I belonged to there had twice monthly meetings, and I also traveled to Salem to talk to legislators there. I believe very strongly in taking action and educating Congress on the wishes and needs of disabled people. I like the group aspect of working together with others in the intellectual and developmental disability community. We are stronger this way, and the more people who make their voices heard, the better. We have lots of issues to solve!
My biggest desire is to see the law changed that prohibits people with disabilities from keeping their disability benefits if they marry a non-disabled person. Lots of people don’t know this, and I would like to educate others on this, as well as ultimately get that law changed.
I joined People First in 2022, and was elected as Region 2 Rep at the Convention in Ocean Shores. I look forward to being there for the disabled community and taking your thoughts and issues to the board, so that we can focus on solutions and move ahead in making our lives better.
People outside of the disability community need to know we are regular people like they are, and come from all different backgrounds, and deserve to live independent lives just as they do. We need to educate them on what services we need that will allow us to have better jobs and training that will lead to more independence.
I am a friendly and caring person, and want everyone to feel comfortable reaching out and letting me know what is on their minds. I would like to help people get better in expressing their needs, and would like to encourage others to also speak to their legislators to make real change.
I live in Clarkston, Washington with three dogs (a husky, border collie, and a Labrador) and one cat. I enjoy camping and reading.
I look forward to being the voice of Region 2. Please reach out to me and let me know your thoughts. If you email me your phone number, I'd be happy to call you. You can reach me at:

Christopher Strader
Region 3 Representative

I have lived in Washington, and Whidbey Island in particular, off and on my whole life. I have been a member of People First since about 2014 or so. I have been president of my local Island Chapter in the past, and currently serve as the Vice President.
The conventions are very memorable for me. I have met a couple of my best friends at the Conventions. I consider my People First friends as part of my family, and talk with some of them almost daily. I live on my own, but like to hang out with friends. We do things together on a regular basis like watch movies, bowl in a weekly league, participate in the Special Olympics, and have a twice-monthly Circle of Friends get-together.
People First is very important to me because I like to help out others where I can.
I can talk over email at

Eric Matthes
Region 4 Representative

My name is Eric Matthes, a long-time member of People First of Washington, Chapter President of the King County Champions Chapter, and a current state board representative. I am also a former board member of Disability Rights of Washington and work for the Arc of King County as a Community Advocacy Coordinator. I enjoy my job.
I have an apartment that I call home. I walk my neighborhood and cook my meals at home to maintain a meaningful and healthy lifestyle. For pleasure, I enjoy watching movies, playing video games, and connecting with friends and family. I love my life being an advocate!
You can email me at:

Justin Maxwell
Region 5 Representative

Hello, I am Justin Maxwell, a man of invisible and visible disabilities. I have been very much involved in the community for six years, starting as a member SAIL, then People First chapter President. I want to close every RHC, and get the transportation with ADA act updated, even the marriage penalty dealt with, among many issues in our wonderful community. In my spare time, I love to read and write and spend quality time with my loved ones and watch movies. As representative, I will answer all your wants and work to bring anything you have on the table to the board!

Courtney Thom
Region 6 Representative

I'm Courtney Thom. I have been with People First Of Washington for 12 years and am still going strong. I'm a member of SAIL (Self Advocates in Leadership) and I'm the President of the Lewis County Chapter, and I'm an officer on the National Council of Self Advocates (NCSA). I am involved in the Special Olympics advocacy committee, and the Athlete leadership program. My hobbies and interests are competing in Special Olympics. The sports I do are Powerlifting, Swimming, Golf, Cheerleading and Bowling, and I love volunteering for Special Olympics.
I am very outgoing and I love meeting new people and making new friends. I love learning new things. I am very passionate about ending the marriage penalty and shutting down the institutions (Residential Habilitation Centers). I would like to see the caps on SSI and SSDI increased. I want to be the voice of our members. I am honored to serve as the Region 6 Representative of our great organization. I'll stand by you always.
I can be reached at:
or you can call or text me at (360) 970-0490)

Tanika Aden
Board Advisor
Bio to Come
About Being a Board Member
Photos from the 2022 Board Retreat